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TESTIMONIALS (via Berkeley Parents Network) 


Abi's Sweet Hearts Family Chilcare Home had its Grand Opening in August 2013 after Wallace Richards, owner and operator of Richards Family Daycare, retired from many decades providing high quality childcare at an affordable price. Abi is delighted to carry on the Richards Family traidition, which you can learn more about from the many glowing testimonials!


June 2013

I want to highly recommend my son's daycare, Abi's Sweet Hearts (formerly known as Richards Family Daycare). My 2.5 yr old son has attended since he was 12 months old and has thrived there. Richards is run jointly by Wallace and Abi, both of whom are spectacular with the kids. When trying to decide whether to send our son to preschool this year, we asked him if he'd rather go to preschool or Wallace's and he chose Wallace. Both Wallace and Abi have many years of experience with babies, toddlers, and preschoolers, and provide a safe, nurturing environment. They currently have openings for both babies and toddlers. My son has learned his letters and nursery rhymes there, and memorized the books that they read during circle time. He is also always bringing home art projects done with Abi. There are currently a few older toddlers like my son and we'd love to welcome more 2-3 year olds into the group. In addition, to it being a wonderful daycare, it has highly competitive rates and Wallace and Abi are very flexible with food requirements, cloth diapers, or any other particular things parents want to do. I highly encourage you to contact or Abi at 510-849-9392 or to contact me if you have questions about Richards. msue16 {at} gmail {dot} com


Nov 2012

Abi's Sweet Hearts (formerly known as Richards Family Daycare) has openings for babies and toddlers. We highly recommend it. Wallace and Abi, the caregivers, are warm, loving, and gentle. They have many years of experience with babies, toddlers, and preschoolers, and provide a safe, nurturing environment. Our 16 month old daughter has been at the daycare since she was 4 months old. She's so happy to go that she smiles and laughs on her way in in the mornings. The other day, I noticed she was saying ''A,B'' when she saw words. I later learned it was because Abi has been working on letters with the older children. Our 4 year old son was also at the daycare when he was young - and also started as an infant. Both children have thrived there. We highly encourage you to contact Wallace or Abi at 510-849- 9392.


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